Remember that time I was supposed to get to NY at 2:30? - Author Jennifer Ellision
Day 1: Sunday: Lalala, bored in the airport so I’m blogging/live-blogging my hassles at the airport. Will recap this in a much more pleasant and shorter form on Almost Grown-up at a later date. 8:25 AM: Wake up. ZOMGGGGG I’M GOING TO NEW YORK TODAYYYYY 9:30 AM: Chug water on way to the airport as I brag to my parents about how HYDRATED I’m going to be on my flight 10:30 AM: Through security! What a speedy process this is looking to be. I feel so much better about flying with Spirit Airlines. Let me just grab one of the few available gate seats left and settle in with my Kindle before I board… 10:45 AM: Flight gets delayed 2 1/2 hours. They can’t get me on a different one. Regretting earlier optimism regarding Spirit. Text/e-mail roommates. Apprise Twitter of […]
Jennifer Ellision