Friday Five #4 - Author Jennifer Ellision
Heeeeello and happy Friday! Here’s the five: 1) Two weeks ago was the wedding of a college friend, so that definitely makes the top of the list of happy-making occasions! You could really feel the love in the room. ^_^ I failed to get a picture with the lovely couple at the wedding itself, but below is a photo at the after “party.” Left to right: me, the groom, the bride, BFF, BFF’s fiance. 2) Said wedding meant a slew of other good things, liiiiike reuniting with my BFF! 3) Visiting one of my favorite places in Florida: St. Augustine 4) Taking a ghost tour with EMF detectors (expect a whole blog post on this topic soonish) 5) And getting to dress up. I really, really love getting all dolled up and don’t get to do it too often. My […]
Jennifer Ellision