Now and Again release day - Author Jennifer Ellision
In 2010, I signed up for NaNoWriMo in an attempt to write my first novel, Now and Again. It… went. Basically, I was frustrated with my inability to do the story in my head justice. The plot was (at least, in my mind) sound, but my words were inadequate. Now and Again was trunked until I stumbled across it in the back of my closet around a year ago. I’d thought often of that first attempt to write a book, usually cringing as I remembered feeling frustrated in front of a computer screen. Regretting that I couldn’t give Em and Cole the ending that they deserved or their introduction to the world. Maybe it was the distance from the manuscript that I’d been able to gain with time, but I liked the book. Sure, it needed a complete rewrite, and […]
Jennifer Ellision