Baby Dogs. Or, Izzy Girl. - Author Jennifer Ellision
This is Izzy. We have two dogs in my family, but (perhaps simply by virtue of being the smallest and youngest) Izzy is indisputably the baby. We carry her on our hips like a toddler. We cuddle up with her under blankets. And, yes, frequent baby talk ensues. She was recently diagnosed with something called Addison’s disease, which basically means her adrenal gland doesn’t produce the hormones that it should. The vets told us would be easily manageable, but Izzy has turned out to have a complicated case. We’ve been at the vet with her four days in a row and it’s looking like it’s going to be at least six. And this isn’t the first time. We’re racking up the vet bills. I talked about real life transparency in a recent post, which is why I’m talking about this. […]
Jennifer Ellision