Choosing to write under a pen name - Author Jennifer Ellision
“You wrote a book? Where can I find it?” It’s one of the top questions I receive when people that I meet face-to-face learn that I’m an author. I tell them a couple of titles and that they’d be sure to find the books on Amazon as e-books, paperbacks, and audiobooks, depending on their preferences. “Oh,” I add, “And don’t be put off when the last name is different. Ellision is my pen name.” Their blinking is as loud as a record screech. They ask, “Wait. Why did you write under a pen name?” Why did I write under a pen name? (By the way, this is another one of the most common questions I get.) There are a lot of reasons, actually. I think of my pen name as the name of my business. I wanted a slight degree of separation […]
Jennifer Ellision