Happily ever after is just the beginning (my engagement story) - Author Jennifer Ellision
Dear internet, Was there any doubt that when this moment in my life came, I’d want to shout it from the rooftops? The short version: I got engaged last weekend! For those of you who like proposal stories, ours is simple, but perfect in my eyes. Last Tuesday, we got another vizsla puppy, Carson, adding to our little Dog Mom and Dog Dad family. Carson has a big brother in our 1 year-old vizsla, Cooper. We then spent the rest of the week up at Zach’s family cabin in North Georgia and drove back Sunday. We unloaded the car and the pups. A little tired and still in my traveling clothes, I asked Zach how he felt about pizza and Stranger Things Season 3 for dinner. He was on board! Part of why I love him–I need a pro-pizza man. […]
Jennifer Ellision