Bust the Rut: A Fun and Easy Craft to Break Out of a Writing Rut

Posted May 30, 2016 by Jennifer Ellision in blog, Writing / 0 Comments

break out of your writing rut

Sometimes, as a writer, you find yourself stuck in a writing rut.

Hey, there’s no shame in that. We’ve all been there. But when you’re in a writing rut, it can be tough to break out of it.

Especially if you’re feeling uninspired when it comes to the project you’ve been staring at, day in and day out, for God only knows how long.

Lucky for you, my dear writer friend, I have an idea on how you can bust out of that writing rut and even get a cute little decoration for your desk out of the deal.

You will need:

1. a container of some sort


I used a mason jar, because it’s what I had handy. But you can use a small bucket, a decorative bowl, a vase… Don’t be afraid to get creative with it!

2. A writing utensil, paper, scissors


3. A list of writing prompts

You could use this one, created by Jenny Bravo, author of These Are the Moments, or Google a different one.

Bonus challenge: To really bust up your writing rut, create your own list of prompts.

The steps are then SUPER easy.

Seriously. If you have a kid, they can even help you.

…Well, maybe swap in safety scissors in that case.

  1. Cut a bunch of strips of paper
  2. Write a prompt on each piece and fold it up
  3. Deposit it in your jar (or bucket, or what-have-you)


Congratulations! You now have a source full of writing rut-busting ass-kickers. The next time you’re stuck, reach a hand into the jar and free-write the hell out of that random prompt.

I hope this helps you bust your writing rut! Let me know if you’re going to give it a try– or if you’ve already done this!

writing rut busted

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