A dream is a wish your heart makes & you slave for

Posted September 26, 2012 by Jennifer Ellision in blog, Uncategorized / 3 Comments

Greetings, dudebros.

It has been many a moon since I’ve updated this blog. I’ve been pretty caught up in posts for Almost Grown-up, making videos for A Bevy of Dauntless, and real life things.

As far as the real life thing goes…

I took a course for substitute teaching. Despite having a college degree and a decent resume, I don’t seem to have much luck on the job-hunting front with the economy in its current state. It’s my hope that they’ll open up the substitute employment pool and I can make halfway decent money that way. Currently working on assembling all of the application materials.

One of my friends is preparing for a move to New York City for her dream job. Another of my friends recently moved to Virgina with her boyfriend. All of them are seeing their dreams come true in one way or another. Which makes me realize how badly I want mine to come true.

I’m truly happy for them. For all of my friends who find a way to make their dreams come true. And it motivates me to find a way for mine.

Helpful motivation on my bedroom mirror

So, that provides a delightful little segue into things that I am doing writing-wise:

First off, I am… trying to relax a little about my book blog. I have a tendency to prioritize it over almost anything else and while I think it’s helpful to my insights into the industry and YA, it’s not going to get me a career.

Secondly, I’ve joined the forums at Absolute Write. I’m trying to get back into the flow of being an active participant in a forum, which I haven’t done in a long time (and then it was a Harry Potter fansite. Phoenix Song, to be specific). I hope to make plenty of YA and writerly friends there.

Revising is getting more SRS BSNS. I’ve recently taking to inundating Lindsey with any chapters that I finish in order to get feedback and gauge how well things are going. (Heads up, Lindsey, expect a couple tonight 😉 ) And I’m also…

Taking a YA writing course on Lit Reactor with literary agent Mandy Hubbard! The class is comprised of lectures from Mandy as well as query and page critiques from both Mandy and my fellow students. It’s only just begun, but I think it’s going to be hugely helpful for me when I round the bend to draft 3.

And that brings me to a scary thing that I want to say.

I want to have a query-ready manuscript by the end of the year. I’m not sure I want to query in December or anything… I’ve heard that it’s best to avoid the inundation that happens from those who think their NaNo 1st draft is agent-ready (plus holiday preoccupation). But I want to be ready.

So. Yeah. I have two revisions (at least) to finish before the end of the year. And then I have to send my stuff out to publishing professionals.

…That is terrifying

3 responses to “A dream is a wish your heart makes & you slave for

  1. Woohoo for (hopefully) query ready manuscripts by the end of the year! That’s my goal, too! We’ll see how it goes, though 🙂 I’m very excited to be in the LitReactor class with you (oh, and I happen to love Sailor Moon, too!) Keep trucking with those revisions – you’ve got this!

    • You too! I’m really excited about the class.

      Yay! It’s always exciting to meet a fellow “Moonie.” Some of my better writing in high school was Sailor Moon fanfiction, haha. 😉

  2. Thanks 🙂 I just hit 40K and am super pumped!!!! And this class is already awesome, and we’re, like, a week in!

    Fellow Moonies are hard to come by these days haha I used to have a giant Sailor Moon poster over my bed. Sometimes I still wish I had that thing…

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