#LV13 Blog hop

Posted July 14, 2013 by Jennifer Ellision in blog, Uncategorized / 8 Comments

SO. The Like a Virgin pitch contest starts tomorrow and since I’m one of the entrants, I figure I better hop on this whole blog hop deal!

1. How do you remember your first kiss?


It was okay. I was 18. It was my first month of college. I was in a nightclub. That’s all you get. 😉

Sailor Moon mamochan deal with it

2. What was your first favorite love song?

THIS (song starts around 0:42):

(In case it wasn’t obvious, I have pretty much always been a Sailor Moon fangirl)

3. What’s the first thing you do when you begin writing for the day?

Hahaha. Um. Procrastinate? I.e. Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, food…

Sailor Moon who care if fat

4. Who’s the first writer who truly inspired you to become a writer?

So, okay. This is a bit of a convoluted answer for me because my instinct is to say Tamora Pierce. There’s no denying that she is a HUGE influence on me and I adore her work.

tamora pierce happyBut a more realistic answer might be to say Marissa Meyer. As you saw above, I’m a BIG Sailor Moon fan, and I read Marissa’s fanfics as Alicia Blade for YEARS. When she started on her publishing journey, it really made the idea that could write a book seem real.

5. Did the final revision of your first book have the same first chapter it started with?

Nope. I did the computer version of this MANY many times before I figured out where I thought the book should start:

Sailor Moon crumple6. For your first book, which came first: major characters, plot or setting?

Merlin characterOkay, I never get to use that gif, so I take any excuse, really.

In actuality, the answer IS characters, I suppose. Usually the way that I start a book is with a random scene that jumps into my head. Sometimes the scene makes it into the draft, sometimes it doesn’t, but the characters from that scene always do.

7. What’s the first word you want to roll off the tip of someone’s tongue when they think of your writing?


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8 responses to “#LV13 Blog hop

  1. love the gifs 🙂

    I think it’s so awesome to see writers who started out in fan fiction make it with their original work. Good luck with your entry! I hope it does inspire all the feels.

  2. If I’d been completely honest, I’d also have answered that I start my writing with procrastination, but I conveniently chose to consider that “pre-writing” and therefore not mention it 😉

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