Threats of Sky and Sea: A Call For Street Team Members!

Posted February 24, 2014 by Jennifer Ellision in blog, Uncategorized / 8 Comments

As I move along in the publishing process for Threats of Sky and Sea, I am more and more thankful for those of you who have extended your congratulations, RTed the news, or added the book to your shelves on Goodreads. The book’s stats on Goodreads definitely show the power of social media, especially among other writers and bloggers.

If, like me, you read the acknowledgements when you read a book, you know that a book is not an individual effort. It takes people to give early feedback and to edit it; to get the word out, promote it, and review it.

icantdoitaloneSo… now I’m asking if there are any Katnisses among you to help me with more book promotion.

ImageOkay, that was perhaps a bad metaphor. No fights to the death, folks. Just, hopefully, volunteers to join my street team.

Q: Jen, what the hell is a street team?

A: Basically, someone on the street team promotes Threats of Sky and Sea… in whatever way fits their blogs or schedules. That may mean reading the book and updating your progress on Goodreads. It may mean adding non-spoilery TOSAS quotes to Goodreads. It may mean honestly reviewing the book. It might mean talking about the book on social media. Or it may mean none of those things and be somethings you come up with entirely on your own. It’s a pretty loose system, but, from what I’ve heard, extremely helpful in self-publishing.

Q: What do I get out of this?

A: My undying gratitude, first off, and hopefully warm fuzzies from knowing that you’re helping me in a big way. But wait… there’s more! You’ll also get advance Threats of Sky and Sea content, like early eARCs, seeing the cover before anyone else, and TOSAS swag. And I really can’t stress the undying gratitude part of this answer enough.

So if all of that sounds like something you’d be up for, fill out the form below!

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